Happy Dogs

Cannington Dog Sled Races

I’ve been wanting to photograph a dog sled race for quite some time now but the last few winters saw a minimal amount of snow and most of not all races were cancelled in my area. This year, as most of know, has been one of the harshest winters that I can remember. Needless to say it was the perfect weather for this event with lots of snow for the dogs to frolic in.

A couple of weekends ago the opportunity arose and I got into the car and drove an hour and half north to Cannington, Ontario to attend the 10th Annual Dog Sled Races.

(Click on any of the images to enlarge and see those cute faces)

Let me first make a confession. I was a bit nervous to attend. I was worried about how the dogs were going to be treated. Was this just a business for the owners? Were the dogs just an end to justify the means… that big prize at the end of the day?

I arrived early so that I could walk around and hopefully see the dogs before the races started. I went straight to the area where the owners had parked their trucks and they were getting the dogs ready, putting harnesses on and mentally preparing for the race ahead.

What I found put a smile on my face. Happy Dogs! Dogs sitting together eagerly awaiting their romp in the snow. Without fail each dog I approached gave me a very sweet greeting and even a few licks on my nose when I bent over to greet them. I tried not to disturb the riders while they were preparing their team but they were all very nice and happy to introduce me to their dogs.

Here’s a little history for you….

“Dog Sledding was a method of winter travel developed by Northern Native peoples and adopted by early European explores and trappers as the most efficient way to haul goods across snow-covered terrain. Usually, teams of 2 to 12 dogs are tied in pairs to a single towline, or gangline. The gangline is attached to a sled and the dogs pull the sled across the snow.If the terrain is deep snow, dogs may be placed in single file to follow the driver who will walk ahead breaking and packing down a narrow trail in snowshoes. Where the snow pack is hard, in the Arctic, Inuit often use the “fan” hitch where each dog is attached to the sled by its own towline.”

– Cannington Dog Sled Race Committee

Oh…one last bit of trivia. Do you know why drivers are called “mushers”? Early French Canadian drivers called out “Marche!” (which means “walk”) to their dogs. This was misinterpreted by English explorers as “mush.” I’ve done my job here today. đŸ™‚

Cannington Dog Sled Races, Ontario, snow dogs, siberian husky, dogs, races, Toronto Pet Photographer, pet photography

14 Comments on “Happy Dogs

  1. Pingback: Cannington Dog Sled Races | Edith Levy Photography

    • Thanks so much Jennifer. That’s a really good question. I don’t imagine that the wheels of a wheelchair would be able to get through the snow but I’m sure, as with many other sports, that there are rigs available (with skis) for someone with a disability. Interestingly enough when I was walking up the hill to get a better vantage point to photograph I encountered a female photographer who was in a wheel chair. She told me that she couldn’t get up the hill because she couldn’t get enough traction. I offered to push her up but she declined saying she had found a good spot to photograph and she didn’t need to go any further. I kept thinking to myself what an amazing woman. Here I was complaining about how hard it was to walk up the hill in the packed snow and this woman had the most amazing attitude.

      • I’m sure they’d rig up the sled somehow without the wheelchair, I’m not too sure. I was wondering because this is something I would love to surprise my brother with, he loves huskies and I know he would have a blast doing this. Kind regards.

      • I’m sure if you inquired with one of the dog sled companies in Ontario or Quebec (and there’s others as well) they could probably set something up.

  2. I saw your comment on Anne McKinnell’s blog about her Sony NEX6, and followed the link to your blog. I love sled dogs and enjoyed your images of, and comments about them. I look forward to following your posts.

    God bless, Edith!

  3. Loved the pictures! We visited with the Alaskan Iditiarod dogs. They are very well cared for and the dogs can’t wait to run with the sleds.

  4. Pingback: Winter Photography Tips | Edith Levy Photography

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